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【2024/5/14~5/15】澳洲西雪梨大學訪問學者-Dr. Kenny Wang (王智勤教授)專題演講

講者:Dr. Kenny Wang王智勤教授
-Associate Dean, International Partnerships, Western Sydney University
-Professor, School of Humanities and Communication Arts, Western Sydney University
-Member of AUSIT (Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators)


講題:Speaking for Justice: Exploring the World of Legal Interpreters|仗譯直言:一窺法律口譯的世界
地點:外語大樓五樓LB501教室 (外語學院跨文化跨領域創發中心)

In today's globalised world, legal interpreters (法律口譯) play a critical role in the administration of justice. But what exactly do legal interpreters do? In this presentation, Dr Kenny Wang, a Certified Specialist Legal Interpreter in Sydney, Australia, will talk about the nature of legal interpreting as a profession, drawing on his own industry practice. On the macro level, the presentation will offer an overview of how Legal Interpreting in Australia is organised and delivered. On the individual practitioner’s level, issues such as the types of cases that practitioners work with on a day-to-day basis will be discussed. The presentation will conclude with some remarks on the Australian model of Legal Interpreting as it relates to the provision of Judicial Interpreters (司法通譯) and Public Service Interpreters (公共事務通譯) in Taiwan.

講題:A Word of Difference Leading to a World of Difference: Legal Interpreting and Evidentiary Translation|失之毫釐,差之千里:法律口譯與證據翻譯
Following part one of this two-part lecture series on Legal Interpreting where the question of “What exactly do legal interpreters do?” was considered, we turn our attention to the next question, namely “How difficult (or easy) is legal interpreting?” In this presentation, Dr Kenny Wang will talk about the challenges and intricacies of interpreting and translating in this space. Drawing on real examples from his own practice of court interpreting, police interpreting and evidentiary translation as case studies, the presentation will offer insight into the fun aspects of legal interpreting and evidentiary translation as they interface and intersect with issues of translation, cross-cultural communication, and the law. The case studies will also highlight the qualities and attributes that people who aspire to entering this sub-field of interpreting and translation should aim to develop.
