2017-10-28 |
李子瑄,'談華語數詞結構規律與教學設計',第二屆國際華文教師研討會暨第七屆兩岸華文教師論壇,中國大陸,廈門,2017-10-28 |
2017-08-14 |
李子瑄,'‘Bad’as the Source of Ever-changing Intensifiers: a Case Study of ‘Bao’in Modern Chinese',International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education,Japan,Osaka,2017-08-14 |
2017-06-09 |
李子瑄,'以無形論有形:從「氣」的譬喻用法看台灣的社會與文化',2017年語言、文學暨文化國際學術研討會,台灣,台中,2017-06-09 |
2017-04-26 |
李子瑄,'Something out of Nothing: A Cognitive Study of Figurative qi in Mandarin Chinese',3rd International Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language,Croatia,Osijek,2017-04-26 |
2015-05-09 |
李子瑄,'語言中的現代化元素:從顏色辭的運用談起',2015年第五屆「開創華語文教育與僑民教育之新視野」,台灣,桃園市,2015-05-09 |
2014-11-28 |
李子瑄,'Language Change Triggered by Society Change: The Localization of Loan Words.',The 14th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Current Issues in Linguistic Variation,Romania,Bucharest,2014-11-28 |
2014-08-22 |
李子瑄,'從借詞發展看詞彙與社會的共變關係:以「萌」為例.',第四屆華文教師論壇.,中國,北京,2014-08-22 |
2014-06-12 |
李子瑄,'Seeing the world through language use: A case study on Chinese lexicon 'tian"',The 5th International Conference of the Institute of Foreign Languages and the Society,Montenegro,Podgorica,2014-06-12 |
2012.11.16 |
李子瑄,' An investigation on the emergence and disappearance of Mandarin lexicon in the past three decades',2012.11.16 |
2011.11.18 |
李子瑄,'Cross-strait variation in Chinese heteronyms regulation',2011.11.18 |
2011.03.11 |
李子瑄,' 語言與文化:從不同的社會文化價值看言談禁忌的形成與類別',2011第四屆華語文教學國際研討會暨工作坊,臺灣,台北,2011.03.11 |
2010.12.18 |
李子瑄,'從兩岸漢語的對比研究看兩地語音、詞彙、語法使用的差異',台灣華語文教學年會暨研討會,臺灣,台北,2010.12.18 |
2010.10.22 |
李子瑄,'跨文化視野下的華語文教學:以印尼學生的偏誤分析為例',開拓僑民與華語文教育新境界國際學術研討會,臺灣,台北,2010.10.22 |
2010.09.01 |
李子瑄,''Wo jue de' as a negotiating marker in Chinese',U.K.,Southampton,2010.09.01 |
2009.12.26 |
李子瑄,'現代漢語「那」的言談功能及語法研究',2009年第九屆世界華語文教學研討會,臺灣,台北,2009.12.26 |
2009.10.31 |
李子瑄,'從非賓格動詞的使用看英語學習之中英文翻譯的難點',2009年第六屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會,中國,上海,2009.10.31 |
2009.06.12 |
李子瑄,'從兩岸語音審訂的差異性看多音字的通與律',2009年第四屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會,臺灣,2009.06.12 |
2009.04.16 |
李子瑄,'從文化價值的映射看「吃」的隱喻現象',2009應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會,臺灣,2009.04.16 |
2009.01.10 |
李子瑄,'從文化價值的映射看漢語進食動詞的隱喻現象',第13屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會,臺灣,2009.01.10 |
2008.03.14 |
李子瑄,'華語之詞彙語法教學:複合詞(Compound) 與短語(Phrase) 的辨析',2008 第一屆華語文教學國際研討會暨工作坊: 雙語教學與多元文化,臺灣,桃園,2008.03.14 |
2005.07 |
李一芬,'A Study of Chinese Degree Intensifiers',The XVIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics,U.S.A,2005.07 |
2005.04 |
李一芬,'Enhancing L2 Reading through Effective Use of Hypertext',The 17th International Symposium of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics,2005.04 |
2005.04 |
李一芬,'A Constraint Based Analysis of Syllable Contraction',SEALS XV Conference,Australia,2005.04 |
2005.03 |
李一芬,'An Event-based Analysis of Quantitative Adverbs',Journées de Sémantique et Modélisation,French,Paris,2005.03 |
2003.04 |
李一芬,'Expressivity as the Trigger of Language Change',SECOL LXVIII.,2003.04 |
2003.02 |
李一芬,'An Analysis of Mandarin Syllable Contraction.',The 10th UTASCIL-2003.,2003.02 |
2002.07 |
李一芬,'How to Correlate Sociocultural Aspects with Language Teaching.',The 8th International Conference of Experiential Learning,2002.07 |
2002.05 |
李一芬,'Factors Influencing Computer-assisted Language Learning: A Case Study',4th International Conference on Education,2002.05 |
2001.12 |
李一芬,'為賦新詞強說愁?談青少年網上聊天中動詞之演變情形',二零零一國際語文教育研討會,2001.12 |
2001.07 |
李一芬,'漢語之提升狀語的結構與功能探討',2001 全國語言學論文研討會,2001.07 |
2001.05 |
李一芬,'Distributive and Accumulative Quantification: A Study of Chinese Adverb Dou',International Symposium on Deictic System and Quantification in Languages Spoken in Europe and North,2001.05 |
2001.04 |
李一芬,'What Can Silent Pause Tell Us about Students’Language Learning?',54th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference.,2001.04 |
2001.02 |
李一芬,'Raising Adverbials in Mandarin Chinese',The 8th UTASCIL-2001,美國,2001.02 |
2000.12 |