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It is time for the 2022 "Taiwan in Ireland" TRANSLATION COMPETITION!
Last year, we ran a translation competition in collaboration with the Taipei Representative Office in Dublin. Participants from anywhere in the world were invited to translate the poem 夜的大赦 [Amnesty of the Night] by Tsao Yu-po (曹馭博) from Mandarin to English. Then, we invited the three winners to discuss the process of translating the poem with us. You can watch their discussion here: https://youtu.be/iKjILKs2UKQ.
This year, we are turning to a poem written in the Taiwanese language, a variety of Hokkien that was brought from the neighbouring Chinese province of Fujian to the island. It is spoken as a native language by about 70% of the people living in Taiwan today. The poem is entitled 掠百年的埕過 [Through Centenary Square] and was written by poet, 鄭順聰 (Tēnn Sūn-tshong). You can read the poem in Taiwanese here: https://docs.google.com/....../1_NPk7....../edit
and listen to the poet reading it here: https://drive.google.com/....../12YHALSFurC....../view......
If you would like to enter our competition, all you need to do is submit your translation of the poem into English, along with some details about you and the translation strategy you applied. Any strategy is acceptable, but the translated poem should function as an English poem in its own right.
We will assess all the entries we receive and invite the winners to an event to discuss their approaches to translating the poem into English.
To enter, please click here: https://forms.gle/JFq3iifmUmfPyodc7
The deadline for submissions is 1st October 2022.

For more information : https://www.tcd.ie/literary-translation/upcoming-events/index.php
